Steel Sheet Piling Supplier - China Iron And Steel Group Limited

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Tie Rods

Name:Tie rods
Standard:ISO14001, ISO9001, CE, CE-EN1090, FPC, Cold-forming First Level
Material:Q235B, Q345B, S235, S240, SY295, S355, S430, S460, A690, ASTM A572 Grade 50, ASTM A572 Grade 60. All Chinese Standard, EN Standard, ASTM Standard and other standard material are available on request.
Manufacturing & Inspection Standard:EN10249-1 / EN10249-2 for z sheet pile
Product catalog:Tie rods
Used:Products for building harbor, shipyard, port, bridge, cofferdam and so on.

BASIC INFO Products Installation

1. The main function of the tie rod in piling projects is to anchor the main wall and anchor wall, making them into an entirety.
2. CISG is offering various grades and diameters of tie rods.

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