Steel Sheet Piling Supplier - China Iron And Steel Group Limited

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Delta Anchor

A well established high holding power delta anchor design approved and certified by all major classification authorities and available in weights from 250kg to in excess of 20,000k ...

A well established high holding power delta anchor design approved and certified by all major classification authorities and available in weights from 250kg to in excess of 20,000kg. Inbuilt stabilisation within a wide fluke area, combined with adjustable fluke angles of between 28–50 degrees, enables deployment in a wide spectrum of seabed mediums and has allowed the anchor to become widely accepted within the offshore, dredging and marine civil engineering industries.

Delta anchor drawings

Nominal Weight(kg) A B C D E F Proof Load
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kN)
300 1380 1200 960 465 1080 45 98
500 1725 1500 1200 570 1350 48 143
750 1950 1700 1360 650 1530 50 198
1000 2150 1870 1500 710 1680 62 250
1500 2460 2140 1710 815 1920 70 350
2000 2715 2360 1890 900 2125 75 435
2500 2925 2540 2035 970 2290 80 510
3000 3105 2700 2160 1030 2430 90 576
3500 3240 2845 2280 1087 2565 90 635
4000 3375 2953 2315 1140 2650 100 686
5000 3658 3200 2560 1225 2900 110 776
6000 3935 3405 2720 1310 3125 110 875
7000 4120 3580 2860 1360 3220 117 968
7500 4215 3666 2925 1390 3295 124 1005
8000 4315 3750 3000 1425 3380 130 1048
9000 4490 3874 3120 1480 3512 135 1108
10000 4725 4100 3280 1560 3690 140 1172
11000 4868 4140 3310 1600 3750 145 1238
12000 4960 4275 3420 1640 3860 150 1300
13500 5120 4450 3560 1700 4000 155 1408
15000 5345 4600 3685 1735 4160 160 1520
18000 5678 4890 3919 1840 4418 170 1710
20000 5880 5065 4050 1900 4570 175 1840